Monthly Archives: January 2010

Quote Without Comment

“There is no power in intention. Intention without action is a insult to those who expect the best from us."

@DavidLMeyer via @PhilCooke

Uh…Where Have You Been?

So … this might be a surprise to my remaining loyal RSS readers. A new post! At least a few of my readers have asked what’s up; why no posts? Why no updates on our journey?

I can’t say that I’ve been too busy. I have plenty of time to do lots of things while searching for a new ministry position. Nor have I been injured and unable to write. I’m in good health; and in fairly sound mind – as much as I’ve ever been. So … why no blogging?

The simple answer is that I chose not to write. I just didn’t want to do it. No big reason.

And now, I’m back. I choose to write, hoping to add more random musings to your RSS feed readers.

But first an update. It’s been 8 months since leaving our previous ministry. Two months since my last update. What have we been doing? waiting-in-line

Waiting. It seems that this is a season of not knowing, not arriving, not seeing the next step yet. I wrote about waiting a while back here, and here, and here, and here.

Waiting, while sending dozens of resumes, and finding that very few search committees even acknowledge that they have received it.

Waiting, and choosing to be thankful when we are not chosen by a church to join their team.

Waiting to sell our home in a terrible housing market, knowing that God has perfect timing. And a better plan than we have.

Waiting, and learning to understand the loneliness that so many feel when they become unemployed and are not seeing co-workers every day. I think I’ll be a better pastor for that.

Waiting, and being surprised by God with friends who continue to surprise with their kindness, care and love.

Waiting, and reading, praying, journaling, learning, and drinking a lot of coffee.

Waiting, and trusting God even when the days become boring, or discouraging, or downright depressing.

You get the idea.

For those who are interested, I did have the privilege of preaching at The Downtown Church earlier in January. The link is here