Daily Archives: March 24, 2007

Two Things from a Wise Man

Mark Dever, the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in downtown Washington DC shares two lessons he has learned from the failure of a dear friend in the ministry. Both of them are true and should be considered by all in the church whether they are a pastor or not. 

Lesson number one:  no accountability relationships will work if there is not a commitment to honesty on the part of the person in question.

Lesson number two:  the public success of your ministry is no indication of the true state of your relationship with God. He goes on to say that “We shouldn’t be surprised that God can sovereignly have His truth preached through the mouths of hypocrites.  My brother minister, are you in a time of public blessing?  Don’t assume that necessarily has anything to do with how your own relationhip with the Lord is.”

I can’t improve on Dever’s comments so read the post. Mark is the Executive Director of 9Marks Ministries, “whose purpose is to help local churches re-establish their biblical bearings and re-think their ministry methods, by helping local church pastors and leaders in the discovery and application of the biblical priorities that cultivate health and holiness in the local church.”