
When it comes to ministry we sometimes seem to think that we need to be doing “big” things and having “exceptional” conversations. We might feel that we need to be talking about “important” things with our friends and others. While we are often quick to enter into the “crises” of lives (whether real or perceived) we can become a bit less ready to engage when the times are routine. We might even consider them a waste of time.

Quite often when we take time to enter into the “ordinary” of people’s lives that real ministry happens. Eugene Peterson reminds that “people are not always in a crisis of soul” and if we fail to get into mundane talk about the routine things of life we may not see God’s grace at work in their lives … or ours. This doesn’t mean always, or even often, staying in the land of mindless clichés or surface conversation, but rather being authentic and real with one another, while refraining from the temptation to manipulate to get to the BIG SPIRITUAL ISSUES that we consider to be VERY IMPORTANT. While those issues Group-of-seven-artistsdo exist, and they may indeed be significant, most of life is lived in the “ordinary” and is filled with "the dailies” that provide the rich atmosphere for the Holy Spirit’s work in our midst. Times around a simple meal, or a cup of Starbucks, may be some of the most spiritual moments we’ll experience.

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God – 1 Corinthians 10:31.

This thought is not new for me. The small things of life are sometimes the big things in God’s eyes. I know that several times this past year while I’ve been in the midst of conversation about the simple, but real, things of life I’ve had profound moments of insight into the graciousness of God for myself and others. 

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